Uses of Class

Packages that use Edge

Uses of Edge in opennlp.grok.realize

Fields in opennlp.grok.realize declared as Edge
 Edge Chart.bestEdge
          The best edge found so far (or null), where a complete edge is always given preference to an incomplete one.

Methods in opennlp.grok.realize that return Edge
 Edge Realizer.realize(opennlp.common.synsem.LF lf, java.lang.String target)
          Realizes the input LF relative to a single target, returning the best edge found (or null if none).
 Edge Realizer.realize(opennlp.common.synsem.LF lf, java.util.List targets)
          Realizes the input LF relative to the targets, returning the best edge found (or null if none).
 Edge Realizer.realize(java.util.List preds, java.util.List targets)
          Realizes the input LF relative to the targets, returning the best edge found (or null if none).
 Edge Realizer.realize(java.util.List preds, java.util.List targets, int weightingOption)
          Realizes the input LF relative to the targets, with the given edge weighting option, returning the best edge found (or null if none).
 Edge Realizer.realize(java.util.List preds, java.util.List targets, int timeLimitMS, boolean waitForCompleteEdge)
          Realizes the input LF relative to the targets, returning the best edge found (or null if none) in the given time limit (in ms), potentially waiting longer for a complete edge according to the given flag.
 Edge Realizer.realize(java.util.List preds, java.util.List targets, int weightingOption, int timeLimitMS, boolean waitForCompleteEdge)
          Realizes the input LF relative to the targets, with the given edge weighting option, returning the best edge found (or null if none) in the given time limit (in ms), potentially waiting longer for a complete edge according to the given flag.

Methods in opennlp.grok.realize with parameters of type Edge
 boolean EdgeFactory.pairedWith(Edge edgeA, Edge edgeB)
          Returns whether the indices for the two edges are in a PairedWith relation.
 boolean EdgeFactory.pairedWith(Edge edgeA, Edge edgeB)
          Returns whether the indices for the two edges are in a PairedWith relation.
 java.util.List EdgeFactory.createNewEdges(Edge edgeA, Edge edgeB, boolean bothDirections)
          Returns all edges that can be created by combining the given edges, with one or both directions tried according to the given flag.
 java.util.List EdgeFactory.createNewEdges(Edge edgeA, Edge edgeB, boolean bothDirections)
          Returns all edges that can be created by combining the given edges, with one or both directions tried according to the given flag.
 java.util.List EdgeFactory.createNewEdges(Edge edge)
          Returns all edges that can be created by applying a unary rule to the given edge or by combining it with a purely syntactic edge.
 boolean Edge.intersects(Edge edge)
          Returns whether the coverage bitset of this edge intersects with the coverage bitset of the given one.
 boolean Edge.indicesIntersect(Edge edge)
          Returns whether the indices bitset of this edge intersects with the indices bitset of the given one.

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